Boris Johnson to set lockdown plan next week as UK are past the peak of virus
Author: Liss Morales | Thursday 30th April 2020

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that he will set out a plan next week on restarting the economy after the coronavirus outbreak.
Johnson has stated, in his first briefing following his illness, that the UK is “on the downward slope” of the illness progressing as we are “past the peak” of the coronavirus.
However, to ensure that we don’t experience a second peak of the virus in the UK, the UK must meet the fifth of the five tests that will allow lockdown to be lifted. The five tests are: Making sure the NHS will cope, a consistent and sustained decline in daily death rate, infection rate decreasing to ‘manageable levels’, ensuring supply of PPE and tests can meet public demand and being confident any adjustments will not risk a second peak.
PM Johnson stated that a second peak would “really do economic damage”, but appears hopeful that it can be avoided by following the measures in place.
He also said that face coverings, such as masks, will be useful “both for epidemiological reasons but also giving people confidence they can go back to work.”
Updates to follow.