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. @BorisJohnson to launch threat level alert system

. @BorisJohnson to launch threat level alert system

Author: Rafi Benady | Sunday 10th May 2020

. @BorisJohnson to launch threat level alert system  Photograph

In a tweet earlier today the PM wrote “Everyone has a role to play in helping to control the virus by staying alert and following the rules. This is how we can continue to save lives as we start to recover from coronavirus. #StayAlert”

This comes hours before Boris’ 7pm special message to the nation, where he’ll address our current quarantine situation which has been in place since March 23. It is rumoured he’ll relax some of the lockdown rules to get the UK economy going again.

Mr Johnson is expected to return to office on Monday having been out of action for over a month after contracting COVID-19, and his partner Carrie Symonds giving birth to their son, Wilfred.

The UK’s death toll is now at 31,587.