Wiley has been banned from TikTok
Author: Link Up TV Admin | Tuesday 11th August 2020

TikTok have allegedly banned rapper Wiley following anti-Semitic posts on his social media accounts. The news broke out on Twitter when several users took to Twitter to complain about the matter. Not only was the rapper banned from Tiktok, he's also been banned from Youtube, Instagram and Twitter.
Several users have stated that they don't agree with Wiley being banned especially when the likes off Katie Hopkins only recently lost her Twitter account following years of racism and nothing being done about that.
Firstly i don’t agree with anything Wiley said .. but they’ve banned him on TikTok now too? 👀
— Dem Ones (@x10pmx) August 11, 2020
Fuck off is wiley banned off tiktok? In less than a month, someone with no previous history of prejudice is banned for the bullshit he sais in one moment.
— علي (@__ayz_) August 11, 2020
Kt hopking and tummy robinson had years of hate spewing. These man were offered platforms to explain their point of views
So Wiley is now banned from Twitter, Instagram, youtube and Tiktok I really don’t see what he has done which has caused all of this madness to happen other than speak his mind
— Jams 🕊 (@SirJAshley_) August 11, 2020
They banned Wiley on TikTok. TikTok you know. Where they let run racist jokes on black people that even became viral trends on their app
— Kev-Prince Kombi (@KevKombi) August 11, 2020
Wiley got banned from all social media then decides to still talk his talk over at TikTok 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 legend https://t.co/AK8YfQrdVN
— Dadir🛫 (@dbillionss) August 10, 2020