Rebecca Garton unleashes visuals to 'All Me Part 2' featuring Ling Hussle, Alana Maria and Tia Carys
Author: Casey Dorney | Thursday 13th August 2020

Rebecca Garton has once again delivered with a brand new part two to 'All Me'.
With the original featuring Louis Rei from WSTRN, Rebecca decided to switch up the remix with an all female featured track. Part 2 features, Ling Hussle, Alana Maria and Tia Carys, bringing the much loved but underrated sound of R&B to the UK scene.
R&B, performed by females in particular, is undoubtably on the rise in the UK with the names of artists such as Jorja Smith and IAMDDB making a huge imact. Rebecca Garton and many similar artists have showcased their ability to follow similar footsteps and create a new, popular sound for audiences.
Check out the visuals below!