EverythingOShaun returns with 'Queen'
Author: Link Up TV Admin | Wednesday 9th September 2020

Born to immigrant parents of Nigerian and Jamaican descent, Toronto-based rapper EverythingOShauN tastefully balances his melodic, bold, and carefully-thought-out rhymes with his larger than life, exploratory soundscapes. His latest project, Maybe It’s Nothing Maybe It’s Everything, due out later this year, sees Shaun launching a deep exploration into his Nigerian and Jamaican roots, which in part will be supported by the Ontario Arts Council. The record’s latest single, “Queen”, is an ode to all of the powerful females that have impacted Shaun’s life, eternally embracing the feminine energy that has helped shape his music, life, and relationships.
Discussing the motivation behind “Queen”, EverythingOShaun said: “'Queen is two-minutes and 24-seconds of praise for all of the women who forget they are all royalty - no matter if they feel like today or not. I will always make it a point to put them on that pedestal because women are the only reason why any of us exist. And even though a lot of my music has pain from past relationships, lessons, and realities, it doesn’t negate the fact that everything beautiful comes from Queens.”