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London could introduce a 10pm curfew to prevent second wave of coronavirus

London could introduce a 10pm curfew to prevent second wave of coronavirus

Author: Casey Dorney | Wednesday 16th September 2020

London could introduce a 10pm curfew to prevent second wave of coronavirus Photograph

A 10pm curfew may be inforced in London to help prevent a potential second wave of COVID-19, avoiding a further increase in cases and the need for another lockdown. Professor Kevin Fenton, London director of Public Health England urges londoners to "pull together" as he made clear that more restrictions may be imposed as the pandemic is expected to hit the capital hard again as it did in previous months.

In an exclusive interview earlier today, Fenton gave londoners credit for their "phenomenal" efforts throughout the first wave and proposes his desire for them to "do it again". This potential increase and second wave may potentially be caused by the gradual commence of university's new academic year, with about 500,000 students arriving to London from around the country and the rest of the world. Also, the demand for testing is increasing with around 150,000 tests a week occuring in London - 278 of them to be positive (potentially even an underestimate).

With schools and workplaces re-opening and the furlough scheme coming to an end, there are many fears that the return to "normality" may result in a spark in cases. The need for a vaccine is becoming stronger however, time still awaits for that to arrive, therefore the Public health sector is pleading the population to do what they can to help everyone stay safe and to save lives.

It is said to possibly be a difficult Autumn/Winter approaching and these potential restrictions may be able to help prevent that.