12omo And Romey Five Join Forces In 'Front Room Service' For 'It'sAtHome' And 'AllWhiteNoHype'
Author: Tom Dingley | Tuesday 29th December 2020

J2K's brand 'It'sAtHome' has joined forces with CS Visuals 'AllWhiteNoHype' to deliver a clever sneaker meets rap combination.
Two of Birmingham's finest lyricists 12omo and Romey Five are the artists tackling this challenge and boy do they do it well. In a video filmed by CS Visuals and Kyle Xay, this is a follow up from the AllWhiteNoHype/It'sAtHome 'front room project/please don't touch' which is culturally reminiscent of the wind rush generations front room of the house.
12omo and Romey Five have tackled Drake and Lil Wayne's BB King beat in this one which is a legendary beat, and they have absolutely made this their own so they deserve huge props for killing it on this.
The track is up on streaming services now, but if you want the visuals then make sure you head over to YouTube to see the smooth visuals produced by CS Visuals and Kyle Xay