Watch episode 7 of 'Where's Da Ops' season 2
Author: Tevyn J | Tuesday 7th December 2021

Incase you missed it, episode 7 of 'Where's Da Ops' season 2 dropped and the story continues as things get wilder and more of the antagonists of the series start to get active again.
The police show up and pay Slime a visit which alerts him to what they currently know about his recent activities and who his new aliences are with etc. Luckely Slime clocks the police before linking up with AP and warns him not to meet up with him while they're around.
New alioences are made as plans to get rid of of another antaganist begin to materialise and the end of another life is on the horizen. The streets are definitely getting warmer in this episode of 'Where's Da Ops'.
If you're feeling this episode, make your predictions about what's gonna happen next in the comment section below.